Tuesday, June 12, 2012


1:100 Detail Model


Project3- Design Process Summary

Precedent Study

Adolf Loos - Villa Muller

Precedent Study 2- Floating Levels
 Clients:       Artist - House A (Right Bottom)
                     Business couple who buy art pieces from artist sometimes - House B (Left Top)

Design Process 1  - Shape of design

It is responded to the bigger context plan, the boundary of bay reminded me of the curvy lines, which can create the exciting shapes.

                                                     Design Process 2 - Shape of the Design
It is inspired by Opera House, as Utzon used the parts from a perfect circle, I started to attempt different circles. 

Design Process 3 - Shape

The positive and negative geometries are all interacting with each other.

Design Process 4- Shape

Design Process 5- Shape

Design Process 6 - Space Definition - Floating Levels

The idea of the gradually changing space is derived from the precedent studies has done for Adolf Loos's Villa Muller. 
Design Process 6 - Upper Level Space Defined

Design Process 7 - Experience thru various stairs proposal for House B.

Design Process 8 - Experience of Stairs for House B

Initially, it is thought should be respond to the House A, also does not act as a light barrier for the garden underneath, in other words, let natural light in.

Design Process 9 - Final Proposal of the House B Staircase.

Once you step in, it suddenly create the sense of privacy, also with the each suspended tread,  natural light can come through it horizontally towards garden.
1:100 Model from the back, as the stairs showing the light penetrating through the gaps in between treads.

Design Process 10 - Mirror Strategy

Because of the privacy problem with 2 houses, the wall of office for house A is planned to have 2 800mm windows placed diagonally, with the 2 mirrors following the diagonal line. Then views from opposite window can be reflected from the mirror, while the 2 windows frames the view from actual reality.

Project3- Submission ( Poster)

Process Summary

Sections & Elevations
